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河北米乐服务生物科技有限公司是一家集医药原料药、中间体、植提物,化工 工程,生物发酵工程的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的综合性公司,公司 下设:河北米乐服务科技公司和河北米乐服务贸易公司。

河北米乐服务科技公司主要从事技术咨询、技术转让、技术合作、技术服务 等活动,开展产品研发、新项目建设,生产经营等具体内容,强化企业间的 相互合作。

河北米乐服务贸易公司,重点致力于国内外医药原料药,中间体,化工产 品,植提物,食品添加剂,饲料添加剂,农药及制剂的产品销售,以市场为 导向,注重国内、国际市场的开拓,强化与众多的优秀制药企业合作,共谋发展。

本公司秉承以客户为中心,打造一支专业销售型的服务团队,充分了 解客户需求,重视客户反馈,及时解决问题,为国外客户提供优良的产品和优质的服务。

河北米乐服务生物科技有限公司秉着“真诚,合作,创新,共赢”的经营理念, 为广大客户提供广米乐服务质的产品、实施专业服务。

米乐服务,米乐服务,广米乐服务质,您的原料药产品服务专家!您最真诚可靠的 合作伙伴!

What we do?

Quality control

  • We only buy products from GMP factories if we doing trading the APIs.

  • GMP certifications validation from SFDA website:www.sfda.gov.cn

  • If we face a new supplier ,we will ask the new supplier to send us at least 2 different bathes samples before ordering.

Strong team work

Even Though we company established at 2017, But we are all from famous factories,Such as: NCPC,CSPC,Hebei YuanzhengWe Company Our has skilled laboratory developers, quality inspectors and logistics personnel.

The division responsibilities make sure the work without faults.


  • We have very good relationships with famous API factories in China.

  • Such as :NCPC,CSPC, Fuan group,Guilin  pharmaceuticals Co.,Ltd,almost the all factories which produce API in China.

  • Also we also have our own factories which produced animal finished drugs in China.

  • We have skilled quality control persons in the producing line.

Hebei Puyou Biological Technology Company Limited

  • 电话: 13752602832
  • 地址: 石家庄市高新区湘江道319号孵化器D-2501.2510室
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